Flipped Classroom Learning System Guided Inquiry On Thermochemical Materials For High School Students Class XI

Irfan Ananda Ismail, Mawardi Mawardi


The COVID19 pandemic significantly affects numerous everyday issues all over the planet, one of which is in the space of education. Like different nations all over the planet, Indonesia is changing its schooling framework into e-learning as a careful step to forestall the spread of the infection. Internet learning has turned into another test for educators and understudies to track down the right learning in these circumstances The point of this review is to create and find the legitimacy and common sense of the Flipped Guided Inquiry-based learning model produced for secondary school understudies. This exploration is innovative work (RnD) with the flomp advancement model. The subjects of this review were eleventh grade secondary school understudies, science instructors, and science educators at Padang State University. The devices utilized are legitimacy sheets for legitimacy tests and utility sheets for utility tests. The legitimacy test was completed on two educators and three instructors and three understudies in a singular evaluation. Down to earth tests were done on fifteen grade 11 understudies at SMAN 8 Padang. In light of the investigation, it got the legitimacy of 0.96 which shows that the learning framework is legitimate and 0.93 for the legitimacy and reasonableness score got by 93% of the instructor and the understudy in little gatherings who express that this review has a high common sense. The consequences of this review show whether the created model is substantial and functional for use in learning science in secondary school


Flipped Classroom, Guided Inquiry, Termochemistry

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v30.1.3907


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