An Auto-completion Algorithm Using Conditional Probability

Anuj Vaijapurkar, Rishon Patani, Vaibhav Kashyap Jha


In this paper, we present an algorithm to auto-complete words that work on user-input by suggesting the highly probabilistic words to the user.  Our algorithm uses trie Data structure we use this trie for efficient suggestion of words to the user.  Our algorithm implements trie efficiently and modify its structure quickly and correctly every time a user enters a word.  Typically browsers implement this feature by caching a fixed number of queries, previously entered by the user on the client side.  Our algorithm can be used as an offline model for heavy user-input interaction interfaces.  Typically browsers implement this feature by caching a fixed number of queries, previously entered by the user on the client side.


Graph theory, Conditional probability, Suggestion algorithm, Auto-complete algorithm

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