Perceived Effects Of Charcoal Production And Usage On Human Health In Ogbomoso Zone Of Oyo State
The production and usage of charcoal by rural dwellers as source of energy has contributed significantly to the development of the rural people but nevertheless, it has come with a huge price on the health status of individuals involved in its production and usage. This study therefore determined the perceived effects of charcoal production and usage on the health status of the rural dwellers in Oyo State. Multistage sampling technique was used to select Ninety (90) respondents (both producers and users). Data for this study was collected through structured interview schedule and analyzed with frequency counts, percentage, mean and ranking as main descriptive statistical tools while Pearson product moment correlation (PPMC) was employed to make inference between the variables. The mean age of the respondents was 33.8 years, both male (68.9%) and female (31.1%) constituted the sampled population, almost all the respondents were literate with varied level of educational status with a mean of 6.7 years of experience in production and usage of charcoal as a source of energy. All (100%) the respondents used earth mound method for charcoal production while none of the respondents indicated metal kiln as a method used for charcoal production. Body pains, injuries and wounds to charcoal producers and rural dwellers, laceration of hands due to production and body odour to users and charcoal producers were the major effects on health status of the respondents. Selected socio-economic variables (age- -0.285**, p<0.01; household size- 0.314**, p<0.01; years of experience- -0.375**, p<0.01; income- -0.413**, p<0.01; quantity of charcoal produced- -0.450**, p<0.01) exhibited significant relationship with respondents perception on effects of charcoal production and usage on health of rural dwellers. Subject matter specialist should enlighten rural dwellers and charcoal producers association on ways to curtail health hazard incurable from charcoal production and usage.
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Copyright (c) 2021 A. O. Tiamiyu, E. Ayanwuyi, J.O. Akintonde, A.S Adetunji, W.A. Adewole, S.O Oladipo

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