Contestation Of Science And Local Knowledge (Case Study: Horticultural Farmers In Waihatu Village)

Leunard Onisivorus Kakisina, Paulus M. Puttileihalatand, Jeter Donald Siwalete


The research aims to examine the development of modern agricultural systems and the content process between local knowledge and science which is the basis for modern agriculture. The study used a qualitative research design using case studies and in-depth interviews, observations, and documents, with the case study method. The results showed that the development of modern agriculture in horticultural crops is inseparable from the hegemony process through government institutions. The contestation process in horticultural land produces a form of domination (zero sum game), coexistence, and hybridization between science and local farmers' knowledge. The domination (zero sum game) of science on local knowledge is manifested in the form of programs to increase the production and productivity of horticultural crops as part of a national program to increase food production. The coexistence between these two knowledge entities is due more to the technical limitations of modern agriculture to be applied, especially in local horticultural lands. The hybridization between science and local knowledge shows that the two knowledge entities can complement each other's shortcomings and limitations. The novelty of this study recommends that a model for the development of modern agriculture based on local knowledge is the main strategy that needs to be implemented in formulating horticultural agricultural development policies. Policies to increase agricultural production must be implemented in the form of activities or comprehensive development programs concerning technical, economic and social aspects.


Science, Local Knowledge, Zero Sum Game, Coexistence, and Hybridization

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