The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support and Transformational Leadership on Employees’ Change Readiness in PT Makmur Bintang Plastindo Medan

Angela Ganni, Emmy Mariatin, Eka Danta Jaya Ginting


The growth of the company as well as the increasingly high business competition requires the organization to change. The success of the change process within the organization can not be separated from the human resources in the organization. Employee readiness in facing change is one factor that needs to be taken into account in the success of organizational change. The purpose of this study is to determine factors which influence of perceived organizational support and transformational leadership on employees change readiness in PT MBP Medan. The study involved 144 permanent employees. Data were obtained through several measurement instruments which are readiness change scale, perceived organizational support scale and transformational leadership. scale. The result of multiple regression analysis shows that perceived organizational support and transformational leadership have a positive influence on employees' change readiness. Perceived organizational support and transformational leadership contributed in change readiness among employees by 53.4%.


change readiness, perceived organizational support, transformational leadership

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