The Influence of Internal Communication and Perceived Organizational Support on Employee Engagement in PT. INDONESIA ASAHAN ALUMINIUM (PERSERO)

Helvarita ., Zulkarnain ., Eka Danta Jaya Ginting


This research aims to study the influence of internal communication and perceived organizational support on employee engagement. Employee engagement scale, internal communication scale and organizational support perception scale are used as measuring instruments in this study. The study involved 256 employees of PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Persero). The results of data processing by using the method of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis shows internal communication variables and perceptions of organizational support has no significant effect on employee engagement. Internal communication has a positive effect on employee engagement whereas the perceived of organizational support has no significant effect on employee engagement, the value of R = 0.280 (a), R2 = 0.078, F = 10.764 with probability (Sig.) = 0,000 or p <0, 05. The implications of the research expect the management to improve employee perceived of organizational support by providing support to employees and paying attention to the welfare of their employees.


employee engagement, internal communicatition, perceived of organizational support

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