Strategy of Management of Functional Stability of the Information System of the Industrial Enterprise
Using algorithms of nonlinear dynamics, it is possible to form and implement a strategy for managing the functional stability of the information system of the production center. The model of the dynamic system of the control program is built according to the time realization of the input parameters of the system. The output parameters of the system are signals that come from both outside and inside the system and reflect the dynamics of the process. Integrated use of technologies of adaptive self-diagnosis of information systems of production centers in combination with realization of functionally stable production processes with integration of neural network models of dynamic systems of control programs on time realization of input parameters guarantees necessary conditions of property of functional stability of information system of industrial enterprises. Therefore, it allows to maintain the functional stability of the information system of each production center, to optimize technological processes, to increase the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole. The strategy of management of functional stability of the information system of the industrial enterprise with use of a neural network which application combines high productivity and high accuracy of processing of products from plastic is considered in work.
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