Prévalence de la Dépendance à l’Exercice Physique Chez les Sportifs en Salle d’Antananarivo

Jockman Ludger RAZAFILISY, Hiarenantsoa Herilanja RATOBIMANANKASINA, Ravonirina Eric ALSON, Holy Ainamalala RAZAKANDRAINY, Bertille Hortense RAJAONARISON, Jean de la Croix RASOLONJATOVO, Adeline RAHARIVELO



Introduction: We wanted to describe the prevalence of exercise dependence among the client of fitness room in Antananarivo.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried from 15 November 2019 to 24 December 2020 among fitness room users in Antananarivo. Means of measure was EDS-R French Version.

Results: Were retained 384 participants, mean age was 24,84 years old with female predominance (59,90%). In the majority of the cases, participants are single (54,69%) and young adults between 20 to 30 years old (63,28%). We retained that 11,72% are unemployed. In this study the prevalence of exercise dependence was 15,63% with a male predominance.

Conclusion: A significant prevalence of physical exercise dependance was found.


Dependency, Fitness center, Madagascar, Physical activity

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Copyright (c) 2021 Jockman Ludger RAZAFILISY, Hiarenantsoa Herilanja RATOBIMANANKASINA, Ravonirina Eric ALSON, Holy Ainamalala RAZAKANDRAINY, Bertille Hortense RAJAONARISON, Jean de la Croix RASOLONJATOVO, Adeline RAHARIVELO

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