Accounting Information and Stock Price: Empirical Evidence from Quoted Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria
The objective of the study is to examine the nexus between accounting information and stock price of quoted consumer goods manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The study adopts an ex post facto research design; and, the sample drawn from quoted consumer goods manufacturing firms on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE). The study employs a combination of descriptive and inferential statistical technique to analyse the data. The panel data from 2011 to 2019 was retrieved from annual financial reports and empirically analysed using the pooled OLS procedure. The results showed a non-significant negative effect of earnings per share and sales growth ratio on the stock price indicator; while, the operating cashflow ratio had a significant positive effect. The profitability ratio, i.e., return on assets had a non-significant positive effect on stock price indicator. Based on this, the study recommended that investors pay closer attention to information from the statement of cashflows as they tend to portray the true state of affairs in most companies. The futility of using only the profitability indicators as a yardstick for stock purchase decision. In addition, the use of supporting documents such as the corporate governance report to reveal otherwise information not obtained from the quantitative counterpart and vital for investment decisions.
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