Analysis of Online Learning Biology Lesson for Junior High School Students in Bogor City, West Java, Indonesia

Nur Rizkiyah


Online learning was a way of learning that has an impact on teachers. Biology teachers' readiness to adapt online learning still takes time. Face-to-face learning patterns that have long been applied, and had been abandoned, replaced by online must pay attention to various factors, in order to achieve material completeness, and without reducing student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to determine the availability of online teaching plans for Biology teachers, to find out the use of internet applications by Biology teachers in online learning at junior high schools in the city of Bogor, to determine the use of online learning media for Biology teachers, and to find out how to deliver Biology material in online learning in Bogor city. The method used as descriptive qualitative method. Primary data was taken from filling out questionnaires to 157 Biology teachers spread across the city of Bogor. The study was conducted from August 2020 to December 2020. The results showed that the readiness and availability of category teaching plans were sufficient. However, there were still a number of teachers who have not prepared an online lesson plan. While the most internet application used by Biology teachers is Whatsapps. Meanwhile, the delivery of material for Biology teachers was quite good, this is proven by data and interviews with several teachers, their motivation was good. Teachers were able to use teaching methods as much as 87%.


Analysis, Online, Learning, Biologi

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