Optimisation De La Valorisation Des Déchets De Chromite Pour Une Substitution Partielle Du CEM I Pur En Vue De La Production De Ciment Ecologique Et De Meilleures Performances Physique, Chimique Et Mécanique.

Baofiza BAOFIZA, L. Rasoanaivoj, Rabemanantsoaj R., Andriamiharimanana N., Ranaivoniarivo V. G, L Andrianaivo


Today, industrial activities are among the largest consumers of energy and natural resources on the one hand and producers of waste and emissions on the other. The cement industry plays an important role, contributing about five per cent of global emissions of carbon dioxide, a man-made greenhouse gas responsible for climate change and environmental degradation. Substituting a portion of pure CEM I cement with other raw materials contributes to a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. The aim of this research work is not only to valorise the waste from the Andriamena chromite washing plant of the KRAOMA Company by considering it as a new raw material and a convincing substitute for part of the CEM I cement clinker, but also to provide a new ecological cement, with low carbon dioxide emissions and better physical, chemical and mechanical performances.

According to the different tests, after physical and mechanical preparation and heat treatment, the waste from the chromite washing plant has pozzolanic properties. The optimal composition corresponds to the substitution of 15% of the cement by waste thermally activated at 650°C.


Eco-cement, compound cement, chromite waste,thermal activation, Activated waste, cement hydration,pouzzolanic activation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v28.2.3483


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