Servant Leadership Style Perceived by Millennial Employees

Uwaisy Salsabil, Vivi Gusrini Rahmadani Pohan, Rahmi Putri Rangkuti


Millennial employees are entering global workforce that needs particular treatment by a company due to the uniqueness of the millennial generations’ attitude towards working in a company. Servant leadership style is needed to be applied by managers to handle the millennial employees. This leadership style is effective to motivate the millennial employees to be more productive and support the company’s business. This research was conducted in a mining company in Indonesia and aimed to determine the perceived servant leadership style by millennial employees about their managers. 204 employees filled out the questionnaires who were selected by convenience sampling method. The results gained by this study are the majority of millennial employees perceived that the managers apply servant leadership style in low category and millennial employees’ career stage does not differ their perception about managers’ servant leadership style. The implications of this study is as company’s guideline for training and development program for managers to improve the leadership in managing millennial employees.


servant leadership, millennial employees, millennial generations

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