The Effect of Scientific Approach Applied on Scientific Literacy to Student Competency at Class VIII Junior High School 12 Padang
Based on low student’s competent on biology topics, the teacher used one of learning approach suggested in Curriculum of 2013 as the scientific approach. However, the scientific approach applied on schooling atVIII class, but the students learning competence is still not optimal. It still below the standard value 75. The purposes of this study were to determine the effect of scientific approach applied on scientific literacy competency of student in science. This study was quasi experimental research; study population was student of class VIII Junior High School 12 Padang academic year 2017/2018. Sampling taken by randomize sampling technique and obtained class VIII.8 as experimental class and class VIII.3 as control class. Instruments were papper pencil test and observation sheets. Data analyses were t-test and Mann Whitney U test. There was a significant effect of scientific approach applied on scientific literacy competency of students' cognitive, affective, and psychomotor where it was better than the result of control. The cognitive competency score in experimental class was 83.03 with 31 students completed and 2 students incompleted the learning, while the control class was 78.64 with 25 students completed and 8 students incomplete. The affective competency score in experimental class was 81.88 in good category while in control class the score was 70.65 in moderate category. The psychomotor competency score in experimental class was 76.76 in good category while in control class the average score was 74.72 in moderate category.
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