Juridical Analysis of Legal Political Construction Management of Regional Assets to Affirm the Principle of People's Sovereignty: A Case Study at the Tanjung Pinang Mayor's Office

Petty Novita Sari, Laily Washliati, Fadlan Fadlan


Disposal of assets is the last process in the life of the Regional Property. Disposal of regional property is a follow-up process rather than the management of the regional property itself, intending to release the management of regional property that has met the criteria. The problem with this research concerns the legal arrangement in the construction of legal politics to manage the disposal of regional assets to strengthen the principle of people's sovereignty (A Case Study at the Tanjung Pinang Mayor's Office). Then, its application in the construction of legal politics for managing the disposal of regional assets strengthens the principle of people's sovereignty (A Case Study at the Tanjung Pinang Mayor's Office). After that, the factors that become obstacles and explain solutions to the construction of legal politics for the management of the disposal of regional assets to strengthen the principle of people's sovereignty (A Case Study at the Tanjung Pinang Mayor's Office). Therefore, this study aims to explore the legal arrangements for the construction of legal politics to manage the disposal of regional assets to strengthen the principle of people's sovereignty (A Case Study at the Tanjung Pinang Mayor's Office). It was to generate an in-depth understanding of the implementation of juridical analysis in the construction of legal politics to manage the disposal of regional assets to strengthen the principle of people's sovereignty (A Case Study at the Tanjung Pinang Mayor's Office). Finally, to identify factors that become obstacles and solutions to overcome them in the construction of legal politics for the management of the disposal of regional assets to strengthen the principle of people's sovereignty (A Case Study at the Tanjung Pinang Mayor's Office). This study uses a descriptive method with a normative approach (legal research) to obtain primary data through field research. The results show that the legal arrangements in the legal political construction of managing the disposal of regional assets to strengthen the principle of people's sovereignty (A Case Study at the Tanjung Pinang Mayor's Office) have in principle been implemented according to regulations. However, there are still obstacles in the field. In particular, the Program Implementing Bureaucratic Structure. Therefore, for the office of the regional audit board of finance and assets, it is better to improve the clarity and smoothness of communication between its employees so that managing regional assets operates effectively and optimally.


Management, Disposal, Regional Owned Assets, Riau Island, Indonesia.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v28.1.3466


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