Power Point-iSpring Learning Media Integrated Three Levels of Chemical Representation on Buffer Solutions: Its Validity and Practicality

Sonia Sisriyani, Minda Azhar


Buffer solutions are known as one of the difficult subjects for high school students because of their complex, abstract, mathematical calculations and graphs content. Thepurpose of the research is to determine the validity and practicality of PowerPoint-iSpring learning media integrated three levels of chemical representation on buffer solution. The research method is development research by using Plomp’s model. Theresearch subject is 128 students and 3 chemistry teachers from Senior High School in Padang Panjang City. The research instrumentswere interview sheets, self-evaluation sheets, validity and practicality sheets. The PowerPoint-iSpring learning media was validated by 5 validators. The validity was analyzed using Aiken’s V. The result showed that the Powerpoint-iSpring learning media had high validity(V=0,861). Practicality was analyzed using practicality percent. Teacher response of practicality percent was 86,60. Respond of students in the small group were 85,86, while in the big group was 87,34. The media category was very practical.


buffer solution, learning media, mental model, powerpoint-iSpring, three levels of chemical representation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v28.2.3392


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