The Influence of Using the Chemical Ludo Game as Chemo-Edutainment Media for Redox Reaction Materials and Compound Nomenclature on Learning Outcomes of MA Students

Sri Wahyuni, Iswendi Iswendi


Learning media in the form of games is a game tool that is educational and fun, so that it can involve active and competitive students. Judging from its advantages, learning media in the form of games can help students learn in groups, can foster a competitive spirit, and can prevent boredom experienced by students so that the learning process is not rigid but will be fun. This study aims to reveal the effect of using the chemical ludo game as a Chemo-edutainment media redox reaction material and compound nomenclature on the learning outcomes of class X MAN 2 Padang students. The type of research used is a quasi-experimental with Post-test Only Control Group Design. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. The population in this study were all students of class X science at MAN 2 Padang in the even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. The data analysis technique used is the Independent t-test obtained from the post-test. Based on the results of the study, it was found that there was a significant effect on the use of chemical ludo games as a Chemo-edutainment medium for redox reaction materials and nomenclature of compounds on the learning outcomes of students in class X MAN 2 Padang. This can be seen from the difference in cognitive learning outcomes obtained by the experimental class (83.63) which is higher than the control class (78.13) and the t-test analysis which obtained a sig value of 0.006 <0.05. Furthermore, it is also supported by the percentage of learning completeness in the experimental class (87.5%) which is higher than the control class (81.25%).

Keywords —learning outcomes, chemical ludo and Chemo-Edutainment (CET).

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