Development of Guided Discovery Learning-Based Atomic Structure E-Module for Class X High School

Reza Dahlia Putri, Yerimadesi Yerimadesi


This study aims to develop an atomic structure e-module based on guided discovery learning for class X SMA/MA and determine the level of validity and practicality. This type of research is Development Studies with the Plomp development model. The Plomp model consists of three stages, namely preliminary research, prototyping stage and assessment phase . The research instrument used in the validity test was in the form of a questionnaire with a sample of three chemistry lecturers at FMIPA UNP, three FT UNP lecturers, one chemistry teacher at MAN 1 Solok Selatan and one chemistry teacher at SMAN 1 Solok Selatan. While the instrument used in the practicality test was in the form of a questionnaire with a sample of two chemistry teachers and 27 students of MAN 1 Solok Selatan. The results of the validation test content for appropriateness of content with syntax aspects of guided discovery learning and aspects of the truth of the content of chemical science shows the average value of the CVR at 0 , 96 and 0.96 with the high category. The results of the validation test constructs matter experts and media experts analyzed by Aiken'V at 0 , 86 and 0.88 with the high category. The results of the practicality test obtained an average value of 0.87 with a high category. Based on the results of data analysis, it shows that the e- module atomic structure based on guided discovery learning for class X high school produced is valid and practical to use in learning.


Development; E-Module; Atomic Structure; Guided Discovery Learning; Validity; Practicality

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