Revitalization of Indonesian Navy Language School to Improve the Foreign Language Competence Supporting the Naval Defense Diplomacy
To result the foreign language competence for Indonesian Navy personnel, the education system in the Language School should be revitalized. The researcher found several problems causing the education process in the Language School not optimal in resulting the qualified graduates. They are lack of education programs, human resources management, education facilities, and cooperation with the other institutions. The research used qualitative method showing the phenomenon in the Language School, then compared to The Language Training and Education Center of Indonesian Defense Ministry and Australian Defence International Training Centre. To result the qualified graduates’ competence as expected, it can revitalize the education system of the Language School by using strategies to increase the human resources management of foreign languages instructors by increasing numbers of lecturers, enhancing the instructors’ ability and providing more welfare, upgrading the supporting education facilities by improving the quality of language laboratories, enhancing the library and procuring the guidebooks, improving the intensity of education programs by adding more foreign languages programs, and conducting more cooperations with the other language schools or education institutions. By revitalizing the education system, the Language School will be able to result the qualified graduates’ competence for foreign languages, so the fulfillment of highly-skilled Navy personnel can be manifested in order to support the diplomacy mission.
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