Technico-Economical Diagnosis of Traditional Goats Farms Based on Zootechnical Performances in the Locality of Wakwa (Adamawa Region-Cameroon)
A survey was carried out in the locality of Wakwa, region of Adamawa-Cameroon during the month of April 2021. The purpose of this study was to determine the elements of calculation of the gross product, intermediate consumption, and the method of calculation of the added value of traditional farms in the area with the zootechnical parameters of the goat as elements of economic production through the administration of a previously established questionnaire. The questions asked concerned: the socio-economic profile of the breeders, the farming or breeding system practiced the zootechnical parameters and the price and cost elements of inputs. It was noticed from this survey that the gender profile of the farmers is made up mostly of men (80%), most of who were above twenty years (92%), with agriculture (56%) as principal activity, trade (20%), handicrafts, pottery, sewing and other side activities (24%). They were mostly persons having received no formal education (68%). Regarding zootechnical parameters, the size of the herd did not exceed 10 animals for the majority of farms (76%). The selling price of the animals varied between 15,000 FCFA and 60,000 FCFA. The Litter of birth goat obeyed the principle of twinning with less than two litters per year or five cubs for a goat. The mortality of neonates and kids was less than 30%, which brings the number of adult goats to between 3 and 4 per year. Grosso modo, the goat breeding activity provides breeders with an estimated annual income of around 64,251.709 CFA, with a total cost of intermediate consumption over the mother's career of 7,904.9922 FCFA for a Gross Added Value of a mother over the duration of her career estimated at 143,300.698 FCFA.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Nicolas BAYANG HOULI, Wuld Daniel Paddy MVENG, Elysée DJEDOUBOUYOM NAMÉ, NDODE Herman OKAH-NNANE, Elias ABLADAM DARAHALAYE, Mélanie LASSANGO GASSIDA, Iya Souley BAGARI, Clemence Aggy NJEHOYA
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