The Influence of Online Social Support on the Body Image among Adolescent Instagram Users
Adolescence is a period of transition from children to adults who experience many changes, including physical and socioemotional changes. This change encourages adolescent to focus on the concept of the ideal body. The concept of the ideal body is closely related to body image. One of the factors that influence body image is online social support. This research aims to determine whether there is an effect of online social support on body image among adolescent Instagram users in Medan. The sampling technique was accidental sampling, with 402 subjects with age range 15 to 18 years old and using Instagram. The measuring tools used are body image scale and online social support scale. The results of the analysis of research data are that there is a positive influence between online social support on body image of adolescent Instagram users in Medan. The result of simple regression analysis shows that online social support has a positive and significant effect on body image. Online social support makes a positive contribution to the body image of the adolescent Instagram user. Online social support tends to increase body image to be positive. This research implies that adolescents who are in transition can improve their body image through building relationships and doing positive things with their social environment.
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