The Influence Of Technological Factors On E-Business Diffusion In The Small-To-Medium Enterprise Sector In Zimbabwe
This article is a derivation from the researcher’s PhD thesis on e-business diffusion in the small-to-medium enterprise (SME) sector in Zimbabwe. The research examines the influence of technological dimensions, namely, relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability on e-business diffusion. A survey design, using a questionnaire based on Likert’s five point scale to collect data through online survey monkey, was adopted. A sample of 590 owners and managers of small-to-medium firms was obtained through probability random sampling. The research engaged a quantitative research design and used exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to ascertain the dimensionality of factors adopted for the study and construct validity, respectively. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was engaged using AMOS SPSS v26 to determine which factors have a significant impact on e-business diffusion. The study concluded that only three out of the five technological dimensions have a significant influence on e-business diffusion in the Zimbabwean SME sector. Central government is urged to focus on establishing a fully equipped national ICT infrastructure and requisite training programmes to facilitate the diffusion of e-business in the fledgling small enterprises. SMEs in Zimbabwe are advised to adopt e-business operating systems as a survival and sustainability imperative in the current technology-driven global business environment necessitated by the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic.
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