Helicopter Entry Point Design At LPNPI Pontianak Branch Office

Nunuk Praptiningsih, Joshua Enrico Sitompul, NDG. Fransiska


This research aims to design the Helicopter Entry Point needed to support flights at Supadio International Airport. This research was conducted at the General Company of The Aviation Navigation Service Provider Agency (LPPNPI) Pontianak Branch in January to July 2020.  The method used is research method Research and Development with research population is ATC (Air Traffic Controller) in charge of ATC Pontianak unit, and expert in the field of ATC education and expert in the field of designer. The results of this study, concluded that, the unavailability of helicopter entry point facilities make it difficult to regulate the movement of helicopters in the vicinity area. This is also supported by the statements of several ATCs working at Airnav Pontianak according to their experience. And according to the results of interviews with several ATCs in Airnav Pontianak also the manufacture of helicopter entry points is considered to improve safety and efficiency


Research and Develompment, Holding Fix

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v27.2.3291


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