The Development of Flipped-Guided Inquiry Based Learning System on Redox and Electrochemical Reactions for Class XII SMA
The Covid-19 pandemic has surged several of countries around the world, including Indonesia. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected various fields of our life including education sector. It leads to the change of the learning system from offline learning to online learning. In addition, the 2013 curriculum applies the learner-centered learning. Therefore, this study is aimed to develop a guided inquiry-based flipped classroom learning system on a chemistry school material about redox and electrochemical reactions and to measure the level of validity and practicality of this type of learning system. This research is conducted Research and Development (R&D) with the Plomp development model. The research instruments are in the form of validation sheets and practicality questionnaires. Based on the results of the analysis for the validity of the questionnaire, it can be obtained value of 0.86 in the validity category. Furthermore, the results of the analysis for the practicality test can be obtained that 86% in the very practical category from the students and 94% in the very practical category from the teachers. The results of this study is to indicate that the learning system developed is valid and practical and to indicate that it can be used as a solution in the implementation of online learning.
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