The Validity of Student Book With The Problem Based Learning Model Integrated Creative Thinking Ability To Increase The Creativity Of High School Students

Bilhakil Putra Yulisman, Usmeldi Usmeldi


This research is based on observations in several Padang City High Schools, it was found that the students' books that were owned were not based on the learning model requested in the 2013 curriculum. This was also supported by the results of observations and interviews with students who stated that the available student books were lacking complete and tend to be monotonous so that it can be concluded that the level of improvement in their creative abilities is lacking. The development of student books is felt to be very necessary because of the limitations of teachers in explaining material during learning so that it can complement and assist educators in presenting material with models based on the 2013 curriculum model and must contain creative thinking skills, it is necessary to develop student books with Problem Based Learning models with integrate it using creative thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to validate students' books with a Problem Based Learning model that integrates creative thinking skills for high school students. The type of this research is Research and Development and the development model used is the 4-D development model. Validation is done with the research instrument is a validity instrument. The validity instrument used a validity questionnaire, which was first tested for its feasibility using an instrument feasibility questionnaire. Validation includes content feasibility, linguistic feasibility, graphic feasibility and presentation feasibility. The results obtained on the validity sheet of the results stated that the developed student book was declared valid.


Problem Based Learning, Student Books, Learning Outcomes

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