Community Partnership Program to Support SMEs Digitalization Program in Indonesia

Mercurius Broto Legowo, Budi Indiarto, Deden Prayitno


The Community Partnership Program is a new paradigm in community service activities that solve problems to improve the performance of SMEs through the SME Digitalization Program. This program aims to socialize the SME Digitalization Program in Indonesia. Case study of the implementation of this program for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Jakarta area. The Community Partnership Program activities had also supported by two Program Support Partners. Firstly is a partner who acts in the development of digital platforms, the second is a user partner, namely the SME Community in the Jakarta Area. The problem faced by the SME partners is the limited knowledge of SMEs about business models and the implementation of digital-based platforms. The Community Partnerships Program activities results in this program include education and guidance in business management, introduction, and practice using digital platforms for SMEs Digitalization. This Community Partnership Program has contributed to supporting the SME Digitalization Program from the government in Indonesia, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic.


Community, Digitalization, Partnership, Program, SMEs

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