Head of Schools as The End of The School Spear
This study aims to reveal the main roles and tasks of the principal's leadership as the spearhead of the school. The research method used is the library method. Data collection techniques are carried out by reviewing several books, journals, and other relevant documents. The results obtained in this study are the disclosure of the main tasks of the principal and how to form good leadership for schools. The main task of the principal is to manage, supervise, and lead entrepreneurship. The way the principal leads a school is a determinant of the success of the realization of educational goals in schools. In addition to being a leader in the school, the principal is also a teacher, but teachers are given additional tasks in managing and leading the school. Therefore, the principal must also know the main task of a school principal so that he can take real action in leading and advancing schools and advancing education in Indonesia. Because of the important role of the principal in the school, the principal can be called the spearhead of the success of the progress of a school he leads.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v27.2.3262
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