Online Discussion Forum : Revealing Role Of Progressive Farmers In Learning Process
The Online Discussion Forum (ODF) used by progressive farmer to discuss issues related to agriculture information. The statements in ODF are interesting to analyse since the participants are progressive farmers who voluntarily spread agricultural information and guide other farmers. In the discussion, the progressive farmers revealed their roles for community and criticisms that occur in the real agricultural activities. This study applies Content Analysis to investigate the utilization of ODF for learning process; and the meaning of roles and self-reflection in discussion. The result reveals the stages of ODF as learning media, and the role of ODF to disseminate agriculture information. The result also illustrates progressive farmers’ role as a social entrepreneur practitioner and organizer of non-formal and informal learning for other farmers. The participants expressed the weaknesses of their role by making critical statements. They realized that they needed to make innovations in agribusiness to become role model for their community. To conclude, content analysis results reveal the utilization of ODF as learning media, and the role of progressive farmers to develop their community.
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