The Correlation Of A Scientific Approach Using The Probing Prompting Technique And A Problem-Based Learning Model On Learning Outcomes On Reaction Rate Material
Abstract─This study began with the learning results on the subject of the still-low reaction rate. The purpose of this study is to discover the relationship between the scientific method and learning outcomes in the reaction rate material by using the probing prompting technique and the issue based learning model alone or combination. Quantitative research using correlational methodologies and a one-shot case study design is the approach of choice. Class XI MIPA SMAN 1 Padang and XI MIPA SMAN 14 Padang were the subjects of this research. A total of 144 persons were selected for the study using a simple random sampling technique. Questionnaires and learning outcomes assessments in the form of 22 objective questions that had been verified for validity and reliability were used in this study. The results found a positive and significant correlation between: 1) the scientific approach to learning outcomes using the probing prompting technique, with a correlation coefficient of 0.903 suggesting a very strong correlation. This suggests that by using the probing prompting technique, the scientific approach module can improve learning results by 81.5 percent. 2) A scientific approach to learning outcomes using a problem-based learning model with a correlation coefficient of 0.770, suggesting a strong link. This suggests that the scientific approach module, when combined with a problem-based learning model, has an effective contribution of 59.3 percent in improving learning outcomes. 3) Using the probing prompting technique and the issue based learning model together on the reaction rate learning outcomes yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.958, indicating a very strong correlation. The contribution of the two independent variables to the dependent variable in this study is 91.8 percent, with the remainder impacted by other variables.
Keywords─Scientific Approach; Probing Prompting; Problem-Based Learning; Learning Outcomes; Reaction Rate
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