Validity of Biology Module Oriented Meaningfull Learning for Student Class XI
Learningbiology is still lacking engage students in meaningfull learning. Especially textbooks used in teaching have not been able to make the students understand the concept of material and linking between the concepts learned, so that teaching material available is still less lead students to meaningfull learning. Therefore, it is necessary to develop modules that are oriented in meaningfull learning. Ausubel learning theory is that meaningfull learning is the process of connecting new information with the relevant concepts contained in the cognitive structure. Development oriented meaningfull learning module is expected to be one of the solutions to these problems. Modules were developed with a map of concepts and exercises to build a concept map. Concept Map is one of the important teaching tool in supporting meaningfull learning. The purpose of this study was to produce a valid module based on meaningful learning. Validation module based sheet validation judged by three experts. Aspects assessed consist of didactic aspects, aspects of construction, and aspects of language. The results of this study indicate that the didactic aspects of 85.42% obtained with very valid criteria, aspects of construction got 81.25% with a very valid criteria, technical aspects got 85.42% with a very valid criteria and average 3 the group received 84 , 03% with a very valid criteria. Therefore, the developed modules fit for use because it has met the criteria of validity.
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