Work Sheet Oriented Multiple Intelligences Validity on Biology Topics for Student Class XI
During the learning process, teachers are already using the Student Worksheet. Student worksheet used by teachers have some drawbacks such as the picture presented is not clear and has a color that is not attractive. In addition, the learning process still involves an explanation of the teacher, so that the student worksheets that have been designed not applicable because of time constraints. In the end, students are not able to develop intelligence that is in that will affect student learning outcomes.To address this problem, thedeveloped studentsWorksheet Oriented Multiple Intelligences. The purpose of this research is to develop students' worksheets Oriented Multiple Intelligences and to determine the validity criteria. This type of research is the development of by using Plomp models. Plomp development model consists of three stages of development, namely: the initial investigation phase, the phase of the development and prototyping phase and the assessment phase. Data collection instruments used were the instruments validity of students' worksheets. Oriented student worksheets Multiple Intelligences validated by 3 experts and 1 teacher. The results showed that the aspect of content, presentation and language obtained a score of 86.67%, 84.37% and 82.14% to the category of very valid, while the graphic aspect obtained a score of 78.57% with a valid category. It can be concluded that student worksheets oriented Multiple Intelligences obtain very valid category. So it can use during the learning process and it expected to improve student learning outcomes.
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