Validity of Biology Student Work Sheet Based on Problem Based Learning for Student Class XI

Wahyu Permata Sari, Ramadhan Sumarmin, Dwi Putri Hilda


Curriculum 2013 has one of the approaches used in general that the scientific approach (approach scientific method). The scientific approach is also very appropriate to be applied in the process of biological learning. There are several materials that are studied in biology learning, each with a character and different difficulties. The strategy that can be done to overcome the difficulties of learning and provide meaningful learning for students is to apply the appropriate learning models. Learning models are suitable for use in the learning process for the material system is a model of Problem Based Learning. In the process of learning as learning models, use of teaching materials for the learning process better. Teaching materials in the form of a worksheet that contains tasks to work by learners who are made according to competence to be achieved. The purpose of this study was to make Student Worksheet based on Problem Based Learning for student class XI and to know its validity. This research and development using Plomp model. Student Worksheet based on Problem Based Learning validity were obtained from the results of validation using 3 expert validator. The results showed that the didactic aspect scored 78% with valid criteria, the construct aspects value of 80.8% with very valid criteria, technical aspects scored 81% with very valid criteria and the average overall three aspects scored 83.0% with very valid criteria. Student Worksheet based on Problem Based Learning was successfully developed with the validity criteria are very valid.


Validity, Student Work Sheet, Problem Based Learning

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