Validity of Student Worksheet Inquiry Based Learning Model with Scientific Approach Integrated Creative Thinking Skills for Grade XI Physics Learning on 21st Century
One of the success factors of learning is the use of learning resources in the form of worksheets that are able to guide students in investigating and solving problems. Choosing a model and approach that is integrated with the ability to think creatively is also another factor that also supports the success of learning. Based on the analysis of student needs and characteristics, as well as the limitations of previous validation studies, an inquiry-based learning model with scientific approach integrated creative thinking skills can be a problem solution. The purpose of this study was to produce worksheets based on an inquiry-based learning model with scientific approach integrated creative thinking skills in the valid category. The research method used is descriptive statistics. The instrument used was a validation sheet that was filled in by the experts. The validity of the worksheets is obtained from the feasibility of the content, presentation, language and graphics components. The average validation of the LKS for the four components was 0.83 by development experts. Therefore, a worksheet based on an inquiry-based learning model with scientific approach integrated creative thinking skills is produced, the ability to think creatively in the valid category.
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