The Influence of Chili Input and Technical Efficiency of Chili Farmers in LinggaVillage, North Sumatera Province
Lingga village is a center of chili production in Karo District. The problems that often occur in the village due to the traditional chili cultivation (still using simple cultivation technology) and chili plants were susceptible to the rainy season. Based on these problems, this study aims to find inputs that affect the production of chilies and efficiency of chili farmers in Lingga Village. Chili production function in Cobb-Douglas model shows farm size, labor, and fertilizer which positively influence to chili production. Pesticides do not affect pepper production due to an inefficient wet season of pesticides. The efficiency measurement of chili farmers with DEA model shows an average efficiency of 0.940. The value means that farmers should reduce input use by 6 percent for farmers to be efficient in input allocation. Efficient farmers numbered 16 people or equivalent to 53.34 percent. The rest of the farmers are not efficient in the allocation of chili inputs.
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