Technical Specification Analysis Of Seawater Destillator Type Of Solar Water Heater With Variations
The existence of the Navy Post in the outer islands has problems in meeting the need for clean water, especially for drinking and eating due to the lack of water sources in those places. Distillation of seawater into freshwater is an alternative to overcome this by utilizing solar power which is an unlimited and environmentally friendly energy source. In this thesis, the writer carries out an analysis of the calculation of the effect of the angle of incidence and the area of the collector on the time required to produce 10 liters of distilled water with variations in the angle of incidence 0º, 5º, 10º, 15º, 20º, 25º, and 30º and with a variation of the collector area of 1.6 m². up to 10 m². From the results of the analysis, it was found that the angle of incidence 0º has the largest value in the absorption of solar intensity, which is 1297 W/m² and tends to decrease with the addition of the angle of incidence. Meanwhile, the time needed to produce 10 liters of distilled water with an area of 1.6 m² is 8.88 hours and is getting faster as the collector area increases.
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