The Education Perspective of Indonesia Maritime Geopolitics In the Indian Ocean
Indonesia's maritime geopolitics is implemented in the form of relations and interactions between regions, countries, communities, and national interests which have a broad context in the relations of cooperation and international relations. The geographical position of Indonesia, which connects the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, has strategic geopolitical potential and opportunities to realize the World Maritime Axis policy (WMA). This study aims to analyze the perspective of Indonesia's maritime geopolitics in the Indian Ocean, opportunities and challenges and collaboration with countries in the Indian Ocean. The research method used is a descriptive analysis of the dynamics of the global situation developing in the Indian Ocean. Indonesia's leadership has been recognized and respected by countries in the Indian Ocean region since the Asian-African Conference (AAC) 1955 in Bandung, then again strengthened at the 50th anniversary of AAC in 2015 in Bandung. Indonesia also took advantage of the opportunity when it was appointed to lead the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) 2017 which gave birth to the agreed IORA Concord or Jakarta Concord as a document that can encourage maximum use of opportunities and respond to challenges in the region and is aimed at addressing non-traditional security issues, such as IUU fishing activities, human trafficking, illegal drugs, illegal immigrants, piracy, pollution of the marine environment, and others. Awareness of the importance of marine resources, maritime stability and security in the Indian Ocean region for the welfare of IORA member countries is realized by utilizing opportunities through a framework of strategic partnership and maritime diplomacy between countries in the region. The result of study, Indonesian maritime geopolitics in the Indian Ocean is a foreign policy utilizing Indonesia's geographical location in building the concept of maritime power in the Indian Ocean region based on strengthening cooperation with countries in South Asia, countries of the Middle East, East Africa, South Africa, Australia and countries others extracted the realization of the World Maritime Axis.
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