The Role Of Glycyrrhiza Glabra For Remediation Of Soil Fertility
Soil salinity is a major threat to the sustainability of agricultural production and rural livelihoods in the Mirzachul area in Uzbekistan. Leaching, a traditional practice to cope with salinity through flushing of soils with fresh water in order to remove excess salts from the topsoil, is no longer feasible due to disrepair and inefficient operation of the drainage networks. As a result, salinized lands are either giving very low yields and income or are abandoned, which is negatively affecting rural livelihoods. As an intermediate solution, the cultivation of licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is proposed as a viable alternative, as it rehabilitates salinized soils and improves their fertility - so that major crops can be again grown profitably in these abandoned or highly saline lands. In addition to its positive impact on the sustainability of agricultural production in irrigated areas, licorice cultivation can also increase farm income thanks to the high economic value and marketability of its roots and the value of its biomass as livestock feed.
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