Electronic Validity Of Workshop Based On The Project-Based Learning Model Assisted With The Science Laboratory Kit To Improve Science Process Skills In Class X SMA

Bahagia Maharani, Yohandri Yohandri


The purpose of this study was to determine the electronic validity of student worksheets based on a project-based learning model assisted by a science laboratory kit to improve the elucidation of the scientific process in class X SMA. The type of research to be used is research and development using the Plomp model, which consists of preliminary research, development or prototyping phase, and assessment phase. However, this research is limited to the development or prototyping phase. In the development stage or prototyping phase, the validation is carried out using instruments filled in by an expert lecturer (validator). The validation of this study was carried out by three lecturers at the State University of Padang. Based on the validation of three validators, the validity is 90.0% with the valid category. This means that electronic student worksheets based on a project-based learning model assisted by a science laboratory kit to improve the scope of the scientific process in class X SMA can be used in learning at school.


Electronic Wozrksheet, Project-based learning, Science Laboratory Kit, Science Process Skills.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v26.2.3104


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