The Role of Religiosity Mediated by Forgiveness on Marriage Satisfaction in Early Adult Individuals

Sanna Silalahi, Hasnida Hasnida, Josetta M. R. Tuapattinaja


The divorce rate in Indonesia is increasing every year. Various reasons that cause divorce include cheating; cases of drunkenness, alcoholism, and gambling by one partner, polygamy, domestic violence, economic problems and others. Experts argue that divorce arises as a result of the couple's dissatisfaction with their married life. Marriage satisfaction is described as a 'U'-shaped life cycle, where the beginning of marriage becomes the starting point for the highest level of satisfaction, then decreases due to the presence of the child, and then rises again after the children leave the home. This study aims to determine the effect of religiosity on marriage satisfaction, which is mediated by forgiveness. This study involved 351 early adults (aged 18-40 years), who have a marriage age of 1-5 years in Medan City. The measuring instrument used in this research is the Centrality of Religiosity Scale-15 (by Huber & Huber), adapted Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivations Inventory (by McCullough) and adapted Enrich Marital Satisfaction (EMS) Scale (by Fowers & Olson). The result of simple regression analysis shows that the effective contribution of religiosity to marriage satisfaction in early adult individuals with a marriage age of 1-5 years is 2.4%, the effective contribution of forgiveness on marriage satisfaction in early adult individuals with a marriage age of 1-5 years is 4.9%, the effective contribution of religiosity on forgiveness in early adult individuals with a marriage age of 1-5 years is 4.2%, and there is a positive and significant role of religiosity on marriage satisfaction in early adult individuals with a marriage age of 1-5 years which is partially mediated by forgiveness. The implication of this research is that early adult individuals, marriage counselors, psychologists, society and government know the role of religiosity mediated by forgiveness on marital satisfaction. Therefore, the divorce rate in Indonesia can be reduced by actively participating in religious activities or counseling with a religious approach.


Divorce, Religiosity, Forgiveness, Married Satisfaction, Early Adult

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