The Performance Of The Dredger With The Movement Of The Bucket According To Strict Guidelines

Kodirjon Shavazov, Parakhat Berdimuratov, Xamzat Abdulmajidov, Normurod Telovov, Nurbek Murtazayev, Nuriddin Razikov


The article presents mathematical models for determining the performance of the channel cleaner PP-303, afeature of which is the rectilinear movement of the bucket along rigid guides along the bottom along the axis of the cleaned channel. The studies were carried out on the basis of experimental and calculated data. The object of research is the network of reclamation channels of the drainage system, and the working equipment of the channel cleaning machine is the subject of research. Productivity, which is the amount of production produced by the machine per unit of time, can be of three types: theoretical, technical and operational, determined taking into account the design parameters of the working equipment. When working with channel diggers, their performance directly depends on the main parameter - the depth of the channel under construction, in the case of cleaning channels with channel cleaning machines, this parameter cannot be considered as the main one. This is due to the fact that sediments and siltation accumulated on the bottom and slopes of the channels during the operation of the reclamation system are extremely unevenly distributed along the length of the channel. The greatest concentration and amount of sediment and siltation is observed mainly at the mouth of the channels, at the junctions of channels of different levels, at the junctions of the drainage with the drainage channel. The most significant parameter in this case is the thickness of the chips removed by the working body with a bucket from the bottom and slopes of the channel. In addition, the performance of the channel cleaner, as a batch machine, is affected by the design of the working equipment itself, the main element of which is a bucket capable of moving in a straight line along rigid guides with different speeds. With obvious high performance values of continuous channel cleaning machines, the PP-303 channel cleaner showed quite high values of technical and operational characteristics.


Reclamation Systems, Drainage Channels, Irrigation Systems, Performance Of Channel Cleaners, Cleaning Of Channels, Sediments, Siltation, Vegetation In Channels.

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