Soil Thermophysics In Comb Growing Of Cotton With Targeted And Uniform Moistening Of The Root System

Parakhat Berdimuratov, Bakhtiyar Shaymardanov, Nurbek Murtazaev, Farkhod Xoliqov, Usmon Berdimuratov, Navruz Abdiev


The article presents the results of research on the development of technology for growing cotton on the ridge of the bed with targeted and uniform moistening of the root system of plants, which together contributed to the creation of optimal conditions for machine harvesting of raw cotton by ensuring early maturation (for 2-3 weeks) and high yield.


Soil Thermophysics, Comb Growing Of Cotton, Targeted, Uniform Moistening , Root System

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Copyright (c) 2021 Parakhat Berdimuratov, Bakhtiyar Shaymardanov, Nurbek Murtazaev, Farkhod Xoliqov, Usmon Berdimuratov, Navruz Abdiev

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