Validity of the Flipped Classroom Learning System Based on Guided Inquiry on Molecular Forms Using Augmented Reality for Class X SMA/MA Students

Felya Herpika, Mawardi Mawardi


The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 or the era of disruption caused many changes in people's lives, including in the field of education. The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the characteristics of the era of disruption, namely volatility and uncertainty where the Covid-19 pandemic occurred and caused changes that were fast and unpredictable (volatility) and there was uncertainty. Changes that occur in education are the learning process from face-to-face in class to online learning. This research develops a learning system and learning media that can be used in certain situations such as the Covid-19 pandemic. This learning system combines flipped classroom learning with guided inquiry learning models. And the development of learning media based on augmented reality to visualize 3D objects in molecular shapes. The research method used Research and Development (R&D) with a ploomp research model. The validity were carried out with the values obtained for the validity of the learning system of 1.08 and the value of the validity of the media at 0.87 in the high valid category. And for the value of the validity of learning media materials BEMO-AR 0.82 and the validity value of learning media 0.86 with high valid categories.


Guided Inquiry; Flipped Clasrroom; Learning System; Augmented Reality; Molecular Forms

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