Development Model of Flipped-Guided Inquiry based Learning on Chemical Equilibrium for 11th Grade High School Students
COVID-19 Pandemic caused some big effects to many sectors of live globally, one of them was in education. Like the other countries around the world, Indonesia changed its educational system to be online learning as a preventive step of spreading the virus. Online learning had become a new challenge for teachers and students to find a proper learning in this situation. The aims of this study are to develop and reveal the validity and practicality of model Flipped-Guided Inquiry based Learning that developed for high school learning. This study is Research and Development (RnD) with Plomp development model. The subjects of this study are 11th grade high school students, chemistry teachers and chemistry lecturer in Universitas Negeri Padang. The instrument used are validity sheet for validity test and practicality sheet for practicality test. Validity test is done on two lecturers and one teacher and three students in one-to-one evaluation. Practicality test is done on fifteen 11th grade students in SMAN 8 Padang. Based on analysis, the validity obtained is 0,86 which states this study is valid and the practicality obtained is 0,84 which states this study has high practicality. The result of this study shows if the model developed are valid and practical to be used in chemistry learning in high school.
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