Mutations Spatiales Du Paysage Et Prospective Territoriale Dans Le Secteur Habité De La Commune De Karimama Au Nord Bénin

Abdel Aziz OSSENI, Côovi Aimé Bernadin TOHOZIN



Remote sensing is very requested over last years for land-use and land cover monitoring at several spatial levels. ¶But beyond this stake, it plays a significant role in spatial planning while bringing answers to the environmental concerns. This study aims to analyze the landscape changes and to predict the future land-use changes in the inhabited sector of the of Karimama common, for a sustainable spatial planning. The methodological approach used is based on remote sensing technics, which allowed to make Landsat image processing of the years 1988;¶2003 and 2018 with Envi 5.3 software. ¶A predictive modeling was carried out starting from the extension "Land Change Modeler" available on IDRISI to generate the future probabilities of these changes. ¶The obtained results show that over the thirty last years, the landscape area has considerably changed. It ¶is is observed a crucial anthropization phenomenon caused by a conversion of the forest units into crop and fallow areas. ¶In addition, the inhabited sector of the commune is in full change, in particular the easily flooded zones of plain formerly occupied by the forest galleries and shrubby raised savannas, were transformed into marshy zones under the effect of the natural risks. ¶The prospective analysis carried out on the data shows that if no measurement of installation is taken, the two evoked tendencies will continue until 2033 and are likely to compromise the regional planning.¶

Key words: Remote sensing; Spatial changes¶S; R¶S¶egional planning; ¶Karimama, Benin


Télédétection ; mutations spatiales ; aménagement du territoire ; Karimama, Bénin.

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