Design Of Training Model For Improving Malin Duties and Functions In The Nagari Minangkabau Community
Efforts to revive the nagari and babaliak to surau require the role of the traditional leadership of Minangkabau, especially Malin as a religious leader in pasukuan and indigenous peoples. The low capacity of Malin in carrying out his duties and functions is one of the obstacles in realizing the development of nagari in West Sumatra. The purpose of this research is; (1) to describe and analyze the factual model of Malin's training in the nagari community, (2) to design and develop the Malin training conceptual model, (3) to determine the validity of the Malin training conceptual model, and (4) to test the effectiveness of Malin's training hypothetical model, (5) to describe the supporting and inhibiting factors in the Malin training implementation in the Rambatan Subdistrict, Tanah Datar District, West Sumatra Province. The purpose of this development is to produce a final model of Malin's training based on a feasible and effective problem for improving its tasks and functions in the community. Research and Development (R&D) research method by following the steps of ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluate) model. Data collection techniques using interviews, documentation studies, observations and questionnaires. Data were analyzed using quantitative techniques with test parametric statistics (t) for two independent samples and qualitative techniques by describing empirical data from preliminary studies. Model validation is done by experts and practitioners. Trial activities in addition to testing the implementation of the model and the device are also to determine the feasibility of the model used, so as to produce the expected product. The model evaluation results are used to show, benefit, practicality and feasibility of the model developed so that the final training model is obtained. The results showed that the development of training models for Malin basically included: needs analysis and designing training models, the development of conceptual models of training began: planning, implementing, evaluating and reflecting the results of research. The implementation of the Malin problem-based training model shows that (good category) means that it is feasible and can improve Malin's knowledge and skills as a strong influence from the implementation of the developed training model. Based on the results of the significance test analysis, it can be concluded that Malin's problem-based training model has proven effective in increasing Malin's knowledge and skills in carrying out his duties and functions in the Nagari community.
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