Hemolytic Diseases of Infants

Farmanqulova Yorqinoy Rafiqovna, Maxmudova Barno Shamsuddinovna, Sadiqova Muxabbatbonu Pazlidinovna


With timely medical care, all processes in his small body will quickly return to normal and the risk of damage to the nervous system will be eliminated. To understand what the consequences of hemolytic disease will be, first you need to understand what this disease is and why it urgently needs to be treated .Let's look at the example of hemolytic disease of newborns with group incompatibility, since it is more common and proceeds somewhat easier than with Rh conflict. In this case, the mother has the first blood group 0 (I), and the fetus – another, more often the second A(II) or third B(III). At the heart of this disease is a massive breakdown of the red blood cells of the fetus due to the incompatibility of its blood and the blood of the mother.


Blood Cells, Delivering Oxygen, Neurological Disorders, Hemolytic Disease

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v26.1.2994


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