Care In A Surgical Hospital Of One Day In The 2-Clinic Of Samarkand Medical Institute

Azamat Muhitdinovich Shamsiev, Jamshid Azamatovich Shamsiev, Zafar Mamadjanovich Makhmudov, Erkin Suyunovich Daniyarov, Abdurauf Mamadyarovich Isakov


A one-day surgical hospital was organized at the 2nd clinic of the Samarkand Medical Institute in 1991, and uses its resources. The task of the department is to provide specialized advisory and operational assistance to patients with pediatric surgical diseases that do not require inpatient treatment. The department serves the population of Samarkand and Samarkand region. More than 1500 operations are performed in the department per year.


One-Day Surgical Hospital, Children, Outpatient Surgery.

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