Patient's Satisfaction On Service Quality In Mental Hospital Of Riau Province

Oktavia Dewi, Raviola Raviola, Nila Puspita Sari


Background : The ability of the hospital in fulfilling the needs of patients can be measured by level of patients satisfaction. The satisfaction of starting with an acceptance of the patient from first came, until that patient left the hospital. There are still some indicators services must be increased in order to give maximum satisfaction to customers a mental hospital.

Purpose : to known the customer satisfaction and dimension services had to be defended and corrected in a mental hospital.

Method : This study using a quantitative approach with cross-sectional design and various variables such as tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and emphaty. Analysis of the value of satisfaction using servqual methods (service quality) and mapping diagram cartesius to determine the quadrant of health services. The population is all the customers who did health services in a mental hospital with 100 customers of mental hospital.Results : The results showed that average conformity level between services provided by Tampan Mental Hospital of Riau Province and patient’s expectations was 92,08% with average service of 4,3 and average expectation of 4,4. There are 10 variables that must be maintained, they are room’s cleanliness and tidiness, complete equipment set, registration officer and cashier’s accuracy, pharmacy officer’s skills, nurse’s alertness, doctor’s responsiveness in dealing with patient complaints, nurse’s attention and politeness and equal treatment for patients regardless of social status. While there are 3 variables that must be improved, they are doctor’s late attendance and parking attendant’s responsiveness and other general stuffs.

Conclusions : The patients feel very satisfied with services provided by Mental Hospital of Riau Province, although there are several service dimension variables that need to be improved

Keywords : Patient satisfaction, Service quality, ServQual, Cartesian diagram


Patient Satisfaction, Service Quality, Servqual, Cartesian Diagram.

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