The Stress State Of A Soil Dam Under Dynamic Action, Taking Into Account The Dissipative Properties Of The Soil

K.D. Salyamova, A.A. Yangiev, X. Fayzirv, X. X. Tyrdikulov, D.S. Adjimuratov


This article presents solutions to a non-stationary dynamic problem for a soil dam, taking into account the elastic and inelastic characteristics of the soil, discloses the applied methods, identifies areas of instability, justifies the use of a numerical method to solve such problems. The main goal of this work is to develop a methodology for solving dynamic problems for soil hydraulic structures (dams, dikes, reservoirs) in a flat setting, taking into account the elastic and inelastic properties of the soil material. The calculation results are presented in the dependences form of stresses and displacements make it possible to determine the vulnerable zones of an earth dam, where the stable operation loss of the structure is possible.


Earth Dam, Rezaksay Dam, Finite Element Method, Newmark Method, Stresses, Flat Elastic Setting.

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