The Influence of Delivery of Female Labor (TKW) on Family Social Economic Life in Way Jepara Sub-District, Lampung Timur District in 2014 - 2017

Rosidah Rosidah, Martina Neviana


Abstract. The phenomenon of the large number of Indonesian workers (TKI) shows that the problem of poverty is so chronic, the limited work space for women in Indonesia makes them prefer to work abroad on the assumption that they just want to get a job and earn more than what they receive in the country. alone. The research method used in this research is quantitative research methods. The population in this study is Way Jepara Subdistrict which has sent 3045 workers abroad from 2013 to 2017. Indonesian workers, especially women, can improve family life. Female workers who have returned home can improve their skills so that they can become independent businesses in the creative household handicraft business sector and can process agricultural products so that they can support their families and no longer work as Indonesian workers (TKI).


Female Labor; Socio-Economic Life; Creative Enterprises

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