Review District Toba Samosir as a Growth Center in Province North Sumatra

Mei Hutajulu


One of the most important agenda of the current government is the regional development strategy aimed at developing leading sectors in strategic areas in each region. In conjunction with Presidential Regulation No. 3 of 2016 on the Acceleration of the Implementation of National Strategic Projects that there are 226 List of National Strategic Projects in Indonesia one of them for tourism is the acceleration of transportation, electricity and clean water infrastructure for the 10 National Strategic Tourism Area (KSPN) Toba, Pulau Seribu, Tanjung Lesung and 7 other areas located in several locations in North Sumatra Province. The amount of Gross Regional Domestic Product of Toba Samosir Regency in 2015 amounted to 5,181,286,1 million rupiah experienced a growth of 4.24 percent compared to the previous year. It is ranked 4th out of 33 other districts / municipalities Human Development Index and poor people of Toba Samosir regency which decrease every year and occupy the fourth position at least in North Sumatera. This study aims to find out how the condition of the region of Toba Samosir and what is the leading sector owned. The type of research conducted is descriptive qualitative. Objects studied is Toba Samosir own with research method using Klassen Typology Analysis Method and Location Question Method. The results showed that Toba Samosir Regency is still not worth mentioning as a growth center in North Sumatera Province because if seen from its economic structure, GDP and Economic Growth Rate of Toba Samosir Regency is still smaller than GDP and growth rate of North Sumatera Province. Agricultural, forestry and fishery sectors are the leading sectors in Toba Samosir Regency with LQ value of 1.40.


Center of growth, Leading sector, Klassen Tipology, Location Question

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